About Body Heal Therapy

Businesses are started for many different reasons. Ragan Wren and David Phillips started Body Heal Therapy to change the massage and bodywork industry for the better. David and Ragan have been educating massage and bodywork therapists in Charlotte for over 25 years. As they graduated class after class of clinically trained massage and bodywork students they watched as their students fell into a rut of not doing the work they were passionate about, making far less money than they needed to thrive and then leaving the industry. Why was this happening?

After breaking apart the problem and analyzing the issues Body Heal Therapy was created with three primary goals in mind to resolve the chronic cycles they were witnessing.

  1. To create a place where therapists can perform high-level clinical bodywork and be paid like professionals
  2. To make the public aware of the benefits of high-level bodywork therapy and to offer it at an affordable price
  3. To offer continuous hands-on training and mentorship to therapists so they can offer the highest level of bodywork possible which will build a brand the public can know and trust.

Few people know that there is a level of massage and Bodywork that can correct posture, increase mobility and decrease pain. Few people know that there is a level of massage and bodywork that may be an alternative to pain medicine and even surgery. The most widely known form of massage is the typical relaxation offerings that are available which are therapeutic for the nervous system but do not address the underlying issues causing pain and dysfunction in your body. Without an understanding of what is available or a brand standard you can rely on, how can people find reliable bodywork that truly helps? This is why we developed Body Heal Therapy. We continuously train our therapists to be the best clinicians in the manual therapy business so that you can get the care that you deserve and the relief that you need from a brand that you trust.

In order to train the best we have to recruit the best and we are able to do that by offering a pay structure that is unique in the massage and bodywork industry. At Body Heal Therapy we split the earnings with our therapists 50/50 until we reach a cap. After that, the therapist keeps 100% of the earnings from the massage and bodywork session. This allows our therapists to earn almost as much as they would if they had their own independent practice but with the support of a team and without all of the hassle of managing a small business. We believe that all of the money shouldn’t go to the people at the top. It should stay in the hands of the people doing the work which is another reason why we created Body Heal Therapy.

Not only are we creating the best level of manual care available we are also making it affordable and convenient. Life is busy enough and getting around Charlotte is time-consuming so we are striving to bring high-quality massage and bodywork as close to you as possible. When a therapist has reached a certain level of proficiency we place them in a location of their choosing, typically inside of a chiropractic office, gym, health clinic, etc. so that we can spread high-quality massage and bodywork therapy all over Charlotte and the surrounding area. Not only is your time valuable but so is your money. Our services are priced in line with the offerings of the big chain stores and we do this so that you can get high-quality massage and bodywork at a price that is affordable enough to make this part of your regular healthcare.

We want you to have a place where you can get relief at an affordable price from people you trust.

You can feel better. You can move better. You can have less stress. You can truly thrive.

And we can all benefit. We look forward to seeing you soon.