an area of groin pain is indicated in the top of the right leg

Trigger Points Associated With Groin Pain

Soft tissue and myofascial pain is often at play when it comes to groin pain in people who are not high level movers or full-time athletes. A visit to your physician and put you on the right track to heal.

a illustration of a human body showing the location of pain in the sacrum

Tailbone Trigger Point Pain

Sacral pain can emerge from a small collection of problems from pelvic floor issues, root nerve irritation, facet dysfunction, or direct trauma. Often overlooked is the role that muscular trigger points can play in sacral pain.

A woman clutches the outside of her leg

Pain Down The Outside Of The Leg

If you are experiencing pain on the outside of the leg, it may be caused by the gluteus minimus. For help finding relief, the team at Body Heal Therapy can help release those trigger points.

A man holding his jaw in an obvious sign of pain

Jaw Pain and Trigger Points

The jaw happens to be one of the most common places for people to hold tension, with over 10 million people reporting some number of symptoms associated with TMJD (tempo mandibular joint disorder).

What Are Trigger Points?

In earlier blogs we’ve highlighted sources and presentations for nerve irritation, as well as how and why posture may be the culprit in many of our everyday pains. These pains often combine both poor posture and nerve irritation, leading to something referred to as a trigger point. Many of the folks we see on a … Read more

Tight Hamstrings

Why are my hamstrings always tight? This is the million-dollar question! It is very rare to meet a person whose hamstring don’t feel tight and uncooperative. What most people are not aware of is that tension can be caused by many different things. Because of this, stretching sometimes doesn’t work, and can sometimes make the … Read more

Repetitive Stress Injury

What is a Repetitive Stress injury? While many injuries have a specific diagnostic box they fit in, there are plenty of others that are considered non-specific. What this means is, they are caused by predictable habits but present in ways or areas that can be unique to that individual. One of those presentations are repetitive … Read more

legs of a runner on a running track

Splint or Shin Splint?

Managing Shin Splints from the start What exactly are Shin Splints? Shin Splints, sometimes referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome, is a condition that is mostly defined by the presentation of leg pain, tenderness, and inflammation along the inside, or medial, a portion of the large bone of the leg which we call the … Read more

ballerina dancing under a spotlight

Species vs. Specialist

Functional movement vs. Fitness movement I wonder sometimes when the moment happened in human history. Surely, having made it as far as we have, a standard for movement has always been an essential part of our heritage. How we were to move as humans was always a part of the code. Movement was in everything … Read more