A runner pulled up with pain in the back of the hamstring

Hamstrings And Pain At The Back Of The Knee

In this blog, we look at a very familiar set of muscles that most everyone knows by name, even if they know very little else: the hamstrings. The hamstrings are often associated with tight legs, poor posture, tears, injuries, and weakness.

A runner holding the back of the knee

Pain At The Back Of The Knee

Learn about the somewhat hidden muscle in the back of the knee, whose pain referral is right over the back of the knee, an area where many people experience knee pain

A red area in the illustration of the knee indicates pain under the knee cap

Knee Pain Under The Knee Cap

Knee pain can be a scary thing. Knees are complex, precariously built, and often associated with devastating injuries; oh, and they often get replaced by the time we are 60.