“Tennis Elbow” Mimicking Trigger Point
Pain in the lateral elbow can sometimes sideline people for months. While true tennis elbow is both common and inflammatory, sometimes elbow pain can come from somewhere else.
Pain in the lateral elbow can sometimes sideline people for months. While true tennis elbow is both common and inflammatory, sometimes elbow pain can come from somewhere else.
Sciatic pain is caused by compression or entrapment of a nerve in your body called the sciatic nerve. It has been associated with hip pain, thigh pain, leg pain, and tingling in the lower extremity.
Continuing our theme around trigger point pain and their association with common symptoms such as headaches, low back pain, or shoulder issues we turn our attention to the low back. If you have had low back pain for long enough, your familiar with the term SI Joint. The Si joint, which stands for the sacroiliac … Read more
What is Sciatica? Like our previous blog posts regarding arm pain as a result of nerve problems, leg pain, thing pain, foot and ankle pain, glute and low back pain can be a result of nerve irritation in the lower extremity or spine. Of all the major nerves, the most common nerve problem is sciatic … Read more
What is ulnar nerve entrapment? As we complete our tour of the upper extremity, we look at the ulnar nerve as the last of 3 major nerves that innervate the upper extremity that can cause arm pain, elbow pain, and wrist pain. The ulnar nerve has some reminiscent elements of both of the nerves previously … Read more
A deeper look into pain relief: Radial Nerve Flossing Sometimes, pain in the arm, shoulder, forearm or hand can be a nuisance at best. As we have been discussing here the past couple of weeks, sometimes pain in the shoulder and arms can be downright debilitating! Pain caused by nerves can not only be extremely … Read more
In this vlog we take you through movements that stretch the muscles that compress the median nerve and movements that create a flossing action that can free the nerve from impingement. If you are experiencing any nerve pain from median nerve compression or median nerve impingement, this video will give you the tools to fix … Read more
What is nerve compression? Last week, our blog post covered the pain and symptoms associated with nerve trauma. This week, we are going to look at pain associated with nerve compression. While nerve trauma can be more devastating, standard nerve compression can be far more difficult to pin down since there is no moment of … Read more
Do you want to know the basics of nerve compression and irritation? Do you want to know how the median nerve can get compressed and entrapped on it’s way from the neck to the hand? Watch our video to learn all of that and more!
Anytime the body experiences direct trauma, the chances of nerve damage is always possible. The bigger the trauma, the more likely nerve injury is present. Let us begin by outlining a few key things to understand before looking at what we can do about direct nerve damage: 1) Is traumatic nerve damage limited to physical … Read more
When can you suspect that nerve pain is present? For many folks, pain is something more than a dull ache, annoying tension, or that light irritation that has just become a nuisance. For some, the pain covers large areas of the body and seems to appear as a constant burning, tingling, stabbing, shooting, pricking, weakness, … Read more
What is tennis elbow? There are a variety of different reasons an elbow may present with pain. Elbow pain that presents on the outside, or lateral side, we refer to as tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is also sometimes called lateral epicondylitis. This pain would be classified as inflammatory, meaning that the body is protecting certain … Read more