Knee Pain Under The Knee Cap

A red area in the illustration of the knee indicates pain under the knee cap

Knee pain can be a scary thing. Knees are complex, precariously built, and often associated with devastating injuries; oh, and they often get replaced by the time we are 60. According to statistics, around 100 million people a year visit their doctor with knee pain. So many of these patients leave with no answers, except they “need more time before surgery”. Let’s be clear here, knee surgery is not a bad thing for those who need it. But, what about those who do not? This is not an anti-surgical diatribe, but rather, an introduction to a series of muscles that are often missed as culprits in knee pain and may play a major role in healthy knees over time. In todays blog, we look at a muscle often thought of in relation to knee pain, Rectus Femoris:


Rectus Femoris is one of our 4 quadriceps muscles and has a distinct pain referral directly over the knee cap. This kind of pain often brings anxiety due to its location, and can often be associated with patellofemoral syndrome, patellofemoral arthritis, Chondromalacia, and Osgoods-Schlatter Disease. If you are experiencing this pain around the knee cap and have had no resolution, soft tissue release can offer some much-needed relief.


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